Friday, 12 July 2013

Finding the perfect face for the perfect personalised book

 Mum decided that for Dad's 80th she wants to do a memory book for him. I think she's safeguarding herself for if he gets Alzheimers, then he can carry his book around with him and see who the strangers in his house actually are.
    She found a really great company where you can actually have the faces and names of your whole family in a funny storybook, brilliant stuff. I ordered a Seaside Outing book and set about sourcing all the photos. Had a zillion of the kids to choose from, a shed load of the Old Man, Mum had sent some she'd taken of her and Dad ( telling him that the youngest grandchild was doing a project on inspirational people- he puffed out his chest apparently- now Mum feels guilty.. ), lots of my sister and her family and even a great one of Dad's dog. There was only me left. Have to tell you I'm not the most photogenic person- in fact my face looks positively lopsided, my nose looks enormous and my hair always, always looks a mess. Tried taking a few with self timer- God no-I looked like a crazy. Found one that was a bit blurry and I'm sporting the biggest spot on my cheek ever but as we needed the book before Dad turned 80, I sent it in.
     When the book arrived I opened it with caution. Oh my goodness the spot on my cheek had disappeared and my face wasn't blurry- still lopsided but crystal clear. I sent a silent thanks to whoever at the book company worked their magic.
     Dad loves his book and now shows the book with his whole family in it to all his friends, golf buddies, postman, window cleaner, in fact most people he meets. Let's hope if he does ever lose his marbles he will at least know where he put his book..

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